klxrfg gx'bf w]/} cf}iflw k;n rfx5{g ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ l8k|];g /f]usf la/fdLx?
;fpbL c/a sfd ug{ uPsf @%jlif{o v8|saxfb'/ nfO{ /ftL lgb|f
kb}g,dgdfcg]sf}+ s'/f v]Ng yfN5g\. k]6kf]Ng yfN5,vfgfdf k6Ss} ?rL 5}g. pgL
ToxfF uPsf] b'O{ dlxgf eof]. zl// emdemd ug{ yfNof]. cfkm'nfO{ xfF; v]n ug{
k6Ss} dg 5}g,sfd ug{ hfFu/ 5}g.lbglbg} 3/kl/jf/sf] ;Demgf cfO/xG5. a]n'sL kv
rsf]{ 6fpsf] b'V5. dg lrGtfn] lkl8+t 5. lbgsf6\g ct]Gt ufx|f] 5. ca t pgnfO[
s:f}sf] dfof 5}g. ljb]zdf Psl5g a:g] dg 5}g. cfkm'nfO{ ct]Gt b' vL ;DemG5g,pgL.
pgL ToxfF pkrf/ u/fpg vf]h] lgsf] ePg clxn] pgL ;f]b]zdf cfO{ pkrf/ u/fO{/x]sf 5g\. pgsf] of] ;d:ofnfO{ l8k|];g
/f]u elgG5. clxn] pgsf] :jf:Yo /fd|f] ePsf] 5.
l8k|];g /f]u k/fk"j{ sfn b]lv b]lvPsf] /f]u xf] . l8k|];g
/f]u w]/} dflg;df kfpg] /f]u xf] . laZj:j:Yo ;Fu7gn] l8k|];g lhjgsfndf k'?ifdf
!%k|lt;t / dlxnfdf@% k|lt;t ;Dd x'g] atfosf] 5. l8k|];g /f]u nfu]sf] la/fdLnfO{
cfkm"nfOP cs}{ /f]unfu]sf] efg x'G5. k6s k6s pkrf/sf] lzsfot
ug]{,w]/} kl/If0f /ut,PS;/] cflb hfFr
ug]{ t/ /f]u ge]l6g] of] /f]udf s]lx la/fdL lk8f ;xg g;sL cfTdxTof ug]{ u/]sf]
klg kfO{Psf] 5. Ps} k6s w]/} c+usf] nIf0f b]lvg] /f]u l8k|];g xf]. s]xL la/fdL
gzf kf]Nof],xft v'¶f emdemd u/\of],l;Nsf xfGg] eof],zl// tfTof] eGg] x'G5.
/f]u kQf gnfUbf
cg]sf} cf}iflw k;n rfx{5g\. sltko la/fdL k'/fgf] pkrf/ wfdLemFfs|L nufp5g\
h;jf6 la/fdL lgsf] x'b}g. g]kfndf l8k|];g /f]usf] sf/0fdf kl/jfl/s snx,sfo{
c;kmn x'g',>Ldfg\ lab]lzg',k|]ddf ljof]u,dflg; dg'{,lab]zdf a:g',Aofkf/df
gf]S;fgL,hflu/ 5f8\g',afns cj:yfdf cfdfafa'af6 6f9f /xg',' / /fhlglts
c;Gt'ngsf] c;/,cflb d'Vo kb{5g\. sltko l8k|];g /f]usf lj/fdL /ftL lgbfpb}gg jf lgb|f
gkg]{ x'G5. l8k|];gsf la/fdLx? cflQg] vfnsf] ;kgf b]V5g\. w]/} l8k|];gsf la/fdL
cfkm'nfO{ c;kmn 7fG5g\ / eljiok|lt lg/fzfafbL x'G5g\. sf]xL of}g
ls\ofdf sld eof]
eGg] nIf0f lnO{ 8fS6/ sxfF cfp5g\. l8k|];g /f]u xf] eGg l8k|];gsf nIf0fx?
sDtLdf @ xKtf;Dd /xg'k5{. dlxnfdf l8k]|;g a9L x'g] vf; sf/0f yfx ePsf] 5}g t/
;xg ;Sg] Ifdtf dlxnfdf sd x'g] ePsf]n] /f]u a9L nfu]sf] eGg] cg'dfg 5.
l8k|];g /f]usf
la/fdL g]kfndf w]/} 5g\. sltko la/fdLx? ;'?df a]n'ls kv 6fpsf] b'Vg] , s'/fx?
la;{g],cfTdan 36|g],cflQPsf] dx;'; ug]{,b'v k/]sf] dflg; b]Vbf dg yfDg g;Sg].
dflg;x?df laleGg vfnsf l8k]|;g b]vf k5{g\ To;cg';f/ nIf0fdf klg ljleGgtf
kfO{G5. sltko l8k|];gsf la/fdL emls{g] / al9 l/;fpg],PSn} a:g ?rfpg]
u5{g.zfl/l/s /f]u h:t} SofG;/, lrlgsf]/f]u,yfO/fO8 u|lGysf] u8a8L,tyf lb3{
/f]lux?df kl5 uP/ l8k|];g /f]u nfUg] ;Defjgf a9L /xG5. l8k|];gsf sf/0f sltko
la/fdLx? 3fFl6df s]lx c8lsof] eGg], cfkm'nfO{ SofG;/ eof] elg ?g],dg]{ eOof]
eg]/ cflQg], kl/jf/sf] af/]df s'g} lrGtf glng]
hLjgdf cfzfdf/]sf] e]l6G5g\. l8k|];gsf la/fdLn] cfjZos s'/fdf klg dg yfDg
;Sb}gg\, h:t} ;8sdf Pshgf la/fdL b]Vbf jf d/]sf] dflg; b]Vbf cflQg] / lrGtLt x'g]
u5{g\. l8k|];gsf la/fdL Pp6} 36gfnfO{ cfwf/dfgL ;w}+ To;df cgfjZos ljjfb
u5{g\,h:t} kl/Ifdf !k6s km]n ePdf ca ;w} km]n eOG5 elg cfltG5g\ h'g unt xf].
sltko l8k|];gsf /f]uL gsf/fTds ;f]rfO{ af6 lkl8t x'G5g\. dgdf o:tf ;f]rfO{ lnGg
eg]klg lt ;f]rfO cfpgfn] 56kl6 dx;'; u5{g\. l8k|];gsf la/fdLsf] dl:tissf]
kl/If0f l:f=6L :Sofg,od=cf/=cfO{ ubf{ s'g} v/fjL b]lvb}g t/
Go"/f]6f|G;ld6/,h'g cToGt z'Id kl/If0f dflgG5. of] kl/If0f ubf{
;]/f]6f]lgg tyf g/Olkg]lkm|geGg] tTj dl:tisdf 36]sf] b]lvG5.
dflysf] egfO{ af6 s] k|i6 x'G5 eg]
l8k|];g /f]u Ps hl6n /f]u xf]. la/fdLx?sf nIf0fx? Ps} k|sf/sf x'b}gg\. pkrf/
u/] of] /f]u lgsf] x'G5.of] /f]u klxrfg ug{ w]/} 8fS6/nfO{ ufx|f] x'G5.s]lx
l8k|];gsf la/fdL sfDg],aSg],crfgs a]xf]; x'g] xftv'¶f grNg] zl//sf] ;+a]bgf
x/fpg],cfˆgf] gfd pN6f] atfpg] jf pQ/ pN6f] lbg],gaf]Ng],l56f] l56f] Zjf;
km]g]{,cflb nIf0f lnO{ cfp5g\. l8k|];gsf la/fdL /f]usf] sf/0f cgf}7f] nIf0f
b]vfpbf s'6fO{ vfg],af]S;Lsf] cf/f]k kfpg] ul/Psf] klg e]l6Psf] 5. dfgl;s
/f]usf] emG8} Ps ltxfO{ lx:;f cf]u6\g] l8k|];gsf la/fdL cfkm' nfO{ g;fsf] /f]u
nfUof] eGg ?rfp5g, t/ cfkm'kfun agLG5 eGg] 7"nf] lk/ plgx?df x'G5. af:tadf
lo /f]uLx? csf]{ /f]udf kl/0ft x'b}gg\. ;d'bfodf % k|ltzt dflg; l8k|];g /f]uaf6
lkl8t 5g\,h'g klxrfg ug{ g;lsg] ePsf]n] pkrf/ ug{ kfPsf x'b}gg\. ;d'bfodf
cfTdxTof ePsf] 36gf ;'lgG5,o;sf] k|d'v sf/0f l8k|];g g} xf]. l8k|];g /f]usf
lj/fdL g;f kf}Nof],g;f b'Vof],g;f ;8\lsof] g;f l5b\of],/ut lalu|of],
gzf emdemd u–of] eGb} c:ktfn
@ xKtf eGbf a9L ;do;Dd lbSs nflu /xg] .
?g dg nfUg] lg/fzf x'g] hopeless,
helpless / worthless x'G5g\ .
· PSn} j:g ?rfpg], .
nfUg], lbSs dfGg] .
af]Ng dg gnfUg] .
56k6L xg], 5ftL b'Vg], k]6 b'Vg], xftv'§f ´d ´d ug]{,
k}tnf kf]Ng], tfn' kf]Ng], d'v ;'Sg,] slt lj/fdLx? Vague nIf0f lnP/ cfpF5g\ .
cfTdUnfgL x'g] .
eút, jt{dfg / eljioaf/]
gsf/fTds ;f]rfO{ /xg] .
lgbfpg ufx|f] x'g], lgb|f sd kg]{ ljxfg rf¤8} ljp¤´pg] .
vfgfdf ?lr gx'g] .
zf/Ll/s ;ks{ ug{ ?lr gxÚg] .
cfkmúnfO{ a}sDd ;D´g] . 6fpsf] b'Vg], km"tL{ gcfpg] .
kfP x'GYof] eGg], s;}n Suicide ug]{ .
?g] .
nfUg] / sfgdf cfjfh cfpg] klg s;}s;}df kfOG5 .
/f]u k6s k6s bf]xl/g klg ;S5 .
l8k|];g /f]u laleGg lsl;dsf x'G5g\
§ Go/f]l6s l8k|];g –o:tf
la/fdLx? dnfO{ s:tf] /f]u nfUof] elg lrGtf u5{g.
w;fOsf]l6s l8k|];g–
la/fdLx? c? dflg; b]lv ;+sf ug]{ u5{g.
w;]gfOn l8k|];g–a'9];sfndf
b]lvg] l8k|];gnfO ;]gfO{n l8k|];g elgG5. o:tf la/fdLx? k|fo cfTdxTof ug]{ 8/
x'G5. cfjfh cfpg],PSn} af]Ng],PSn}]
xfF:g],klg ug{ ;S5g\.
:6"k/–o:tf la/fdL cTofGt grnL gjf]ln a:5g\ sf]lx la/fdLx? cfFvfdf
cfF;' aufp5g\.
l8k|];g–o:tf la/fdLx? cTofGt 56k6 u5{g\.Ps 7fpFdf a:g ;Sb]}gg\.
cflQg] / c:ly/ dg:lytL ePsf x'G5g\.
w/]6f8]8 l8k|];g–o:tf
la/fdLx? ax"tsd af]N5g\ / 6f]nfpg] u5{g\.
b]lvg] l8k|];g–aRrfdf blvg] l8k|];g s]lx km/s x'G5. k]6 b'Vg], 6fpsf]
b'Vg],l/;fpg],k9\g ghfg] cflb nIf0f lnO{ o:tf la/fdL cfp5g\.
kfO{g] l8k|];g–o:tf la/fdLx? cg]s zfl/l/s nIf0f lnO k6s k6s
8fS6/sxfF wfp5g\.
dlxgfdf kfO{g] l8k|;g–s]lx
l8k|];g hf8f] dlxgf df dfq b]vf k5{.o:tf] l8k|;gnfO{ hf8f] dlxgfdf kfpg]
l8k|];g elgG5. /ft nfdf] x'gfn] d]nf6f]lgg elgg] xdf]{g u8a8L x'Fbf of] b]lvG5.
la/fdL aflx/L ?kdf v'l; b]lvG5g\ ha la/fdLsf] af/] xfdL hfgsf/L lnG5f} tj
la/fdL ?g] u5{g.
l8k|];g–sl/j %)
k|ltzt la/fdLx?df l8k]|;g /f]u b]xf]l/g] ;Defjgf /xG5.cf}ifwL 5'6fpg],la/fdLsf]
3/fol; jftfj/0f /fd|f] gx'gfn] / slxn] sfxL cf}+ifwL ;]jg ubf{ ub} klg o:tf]
l8k|]zg /f]usf lj/fdLx? s:tf s:tf
;d:of lnP/ cfp5g
· lj/fdLx? cfk'mnfO{ 6fpsf] b'Vg] /f]usf]
nIf0f atfp+5g .
· sltko lj/dLx? cfkúmnfO{ SofG;/ nfu]sf] z+sf u5{g .
· sf]xL 3f+l6df s]lx c8\lsof] egL
cflQG5g .
· sf]xL of}g c+usf] ;d:of of}g qmddf
sdL ePsf] atfp5g /
· sf]xL lj/fdLx? jf/Daf/ k]6 kf]Ng],
k]6df cK7\of/f] dx;'; ePsf] atfp+5g .
· sf]xL rfxL d'6'sf] /f]u nfUof] eGb}
d'6' /f]u ljz]if1sxf¤ k'Ub5g\ .
· sf]xL 9f8 b'Vg], hf]lg{df b'Vg]
;d:ofsf] l;sfot u5{g .
· sf]xL vfgf ckr, kfrg zlQmdf sd
ePsf] lzsfot u5{g .
· sf]xL sfDg] / aSg] u5{g / af]S;L
nfu]sf] lj:jf; u5{g .
· sf]xL crfgs j]xf]; ePsf] atfp+5g .
· l8k|]zgsf lj/fdL PSn} zfGt 7f+pdf
a:g ?rfp+5g . /]l8of], l6=le= x]g]{ rfv x'¤b}g .
· al9 lrGtf ul//xg] / cfk\mgf] lhjg
b]lvg} x/]; vfPsf x'G5g .
s;/L Mentally
Healthy aGg] <
- cgfjZos s'/fdf af/Da/ Psf]xf]/f] ulx/f] ;f]rfO{ gug]{ .
- csf{sf] pknlAwnfO{ ;lhn} u|x0f ug]{ / v'zL x'g] .
- k'/fgf ?9LjfbLsf s'/f h'g jt{dfgdf em'§f ;fljt ePsf 5g\ ltgdf ljZjf; gug]{ .
- x/]s sfddf v';L, ;Gt'i6 / ;'vL aGg l;Sg] .
- h] 5 To;df ;Gt'i6 x'g], t/ ldx]gt ug{ g5f8\g] .
- nfu" kbfy{, /S;L, 8«U; ;]jg ubf{ dfgl;s /f]u nfUg] ;Defjgf w]/} /xg] ePsf]n], oL j:t'af6 6f9f /xg] .
- b}lgs lhjgdf :jf:Yo k|lt:kbf{ ug]{ .
- ;dfhdf, 3/ kl/jf/df b'i6tfsf] jftfj/0fsf] cGTo ug]{ .
- clt g}ltsjfg gaGg] / c?af6 klg To:tf] a9L cfzf gug]{ .
- cfˆgf ;d:of cfˆgf] kl/jf/, ;fyLefO{nfO{ eGg] afgL ug]{ h;af6 dgsf] pQ]hgf -lrGtf_ sd ug{ ;xof]u ldN5 .
- dgnfO{ ;w} zfGt /fVg] .
Hi, there. I am Tom Neil and I wish to describe how life had been for my younger brother living with schizophrenia and how he had been permanently able to overcome this debilitating disease via a naturopathic, herbal method.
ReplyDeleteMaicon - my kid brother was twenty years old when he was brought to the emergency room by the campus police of the college from which he had been suspended several months ago. A professor had called and reported that he had walked into his classroom, accused him of taking his tuition money, and refused to leave.
Although he had much academic success as a teenager, his behavior had become increasingly odd during the past year. He quit seeing his friends and no longer seemed to care about his appearance or social pursuits. He began wearing the same clothes each day and seldom bathed. He lived with several family members but rarely spoke to any of them. When he did talk to them, he said he had found clues that his college was just a front for an organized crime operation. He had been suspended from college because of missing many classes. My sister said that she had often seen him mumbling quietly to himself and at times he seemed to be talking to people who were not there. He would emerge from my room and ask my family to be quiet even when they were not making any noise.
My father and sister told the staff that Maicon's great-grandmother had had a serious illness and had lived for 30 years in a state hospital, which they believed was a mental hospital. Our mother left the family when Maicon was very young. She has been out of touch with us, and they thought she might have been treated for mental health problems.
Maicon agreed to sign himself into the psychiatric unit for treatment. The whole family except I had agreed to have Maicon transferred to a mental asylum. I knew inwardly there was still some plausible means by which my kid brother could overcome this condition. I knew botanical means of treatment will be more favorable than any other type of treatment, and as such, I had taken a keen interest in the research of naturopathic alternative measures suitable for the treatment of schizophrenia. I had pleaded for some little patience from the family in the delay of the transfer, I was looking forward to proving a point to the entire family, of a positive botanical remedy for this condition.
It was during my ceaseless search on the internet I had been fortunate enough to come across Dr. Utu Herbal Cure: an African herbalist and witch doctor whose professional works had majored on the eradication of certain viral conditions, especially schizophrenia, ( improving the memory capacity positively), via a traditional, naturopathic process and distinguished diet plan. It was by the administration of this herbal specialist that my brother had been able to improve his condition for better.
Before the naturopathic remedy - Maicon's story had reflected a common case, in which a high-functioning young adult goes through a major decline in day-to-day skills. Although family and friends may feel this is a loss of the person they knew, the illness can be treated and a good outcome is possible.
My brother Maicon is just like many other patients out there suffering from this disease. Although he was able to overcome this condition via a naturopathic herbal remedy administered by this African herbal physician and saved completely thus, rekindling the lost joy which had been experienced by the family members.
I wish to use this opportunity to reach across to anyone who may happen to be diagnosed with this disastrous condition to spread the hope of an everlasting herbal remedy that is capable of imposing a permanent end to this disease.
For more information concerning this naturopathic herbal remedy, feel free to contact this African herbal practitioner via email: